Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support, ACLS Course

ACLS Target Group:

  • ACLS aims to provide the requisite advanced knowledge and skills to those healthcare providers who offer cardiovascular care to patients both in in-hospital and out-of-hospital settings.
  • This includes Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs), Paramedics, Nurses, Clinical Officers, Doctors, etc.


Part 1: Overview of ACLS

Course Description and Goal
Course Objectives
Course Design
Course Prerequisites and Preparation
Course Materials
Course Completion Requirements
Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support
Continuous Quality Improvement
Systems of Care
Cardiac Arrest and Post–Cardiac Arrest Systems of Care
STEMI Systems of Care
Stroke Systems of Care
Systematic Approach
BLS Assessment
Primary Assessment
Secondary Assessment

Part 2: Preventing Arrest
Recognition: Signs of Clinical Deterioration
Rapid Response
Implementing a Rapid Response System
Acute Coronary Syndromes
Goals for ACS Patients
OHCA Response
Pathophysiology of ACS
Managing ACS: The Acute Coronary Syndromes Algorithm
Symptoms Suggestive of Ischemia or Infarction
EMS Assessment, Care, and Hospital Preparation

Immediate ED Assessment and Treatment
Classifying Patients by ST-Segment Deviation
Acute Stroke
Major Types of Stroke
Approach to Stroke Care
Goals of Stroke Care
Critical Time Periods
Application of the Adult Suspected Stroke Algorithm
Stroke Centers and Stroke Units
Immediate General and Neurologic Assessment
Fibrinolytic Therapy
Endovascular Therapy
Begin General Stroke Care
Symptomatic Bradycardia
Managing Bradycardia: The Bradycardia Algorithm
Tachycardia: Stable and Unstable
Approach to Unstable Tachycardia
Managing Unstable Tachycardia: The Adult Tachycardia With a Pulse
Applying the Adult Tachycardia With a Pulse Algorithm to Unstable
Synchronized Cardioversion
Stable Tachycardias
Approach to Stable Tachycardia
Managing Stable Tachycardia: The Adult Tachycardia With a Pulse

Applying the Adult Tachycardia With a Pulse Algorithm to Stable
Part 3: High-Performance Teams
High-Performance Team Roles and Dynamics
Roles in a High-Performance Team
Elements of Effective Team Dynamics as Part of a High-Performance
Respiratory Arrest
Normal and Abnormal Breathing
Identifying Respiratory Problems by Severity
BLS Assessment
Primary Assessment
Managing Respiratory Arrest
Giving Supplemental Oxygen
Opening the Airway
Providing Basic Ventilation
Basic Airway Adjuncts: OPA
Basic Airway Adjuncts: NPA
Using Quantitative Waveform Capnography With a Bag-Mask Device
Pulse Oximetry
Providing Ventilation With an Advanced Airway
Precautions for Trauma Patients
Cardiac Arrest: VF/pVT
Managing VF/pVT: The Adult Cardiac Arrest Algorithm
Applying the Adult Cardiac Arrest Algorithm: VF/pVT Pathway
Physiologic Monitoring During CPR
Routes of Access for Drugs
Ultrasound for VF/pVT/Asystole/PEA
Return of Spontaneous Circulation

Cardiac Arrest: PEA and Asystole
Description of PEA
Approach to Asystole
Managing Asystole/PEA: The Adult Cardiac Arrest Algorithm
Patients With DNAR Orders
Terminating Resuscitative Efforts
Cardiac Arrest: Selected Special Situations
Treating VF/pVT in Accidental Hypothermia
Respiratory or Cardiac Arrest Associated With Opioid Overdose
ECPR (for VF/pVT/Asystole/PEA)
Ventricular Assist Devices
Cardiac Arrest Associated With Pregnancy
Post–Cardiac Arrest Care
Multiple System Approach to Post–Cardiac Arrest Care
Managing Post–Cardiac Arrest Care: The Adult Post-Cardiac Arrest
Care Algorithm
Application of the Adult Post–Cardiac Arrest Care Algorithm
Other Postresuscitation Care